Saturday, October 31, 2015

Pangako Sa 'Yo
(Marxist Analysis)

  Donya Benita wants to maintain their family's high class status so she arranged Eduardo and Claudia into marriage instead of Amor.
  • "Doña Benita opposes his son and Amor's relationship since Amor was only a housemaid and she wanted Eduardo to marry Claudia Zalameda for political reasons. Doña Benita asked Eduardo's brother, Diego, who has a crush on Amor, to separate them."

   Power gives higher classes the confidence to rule because they believe that if they are much higher than the lower class, they can easily control and dominate them.
  • "Doña Benita regretted forcing Eduardo to marry Claudia, as her daughter-in-law turned out to be cruel. She tried to explain on her deathbed that it was she who broke his relationship with Amor, but died before explaining."
  • "Yna and Angelo fall in love, much to Claudia's chagrin. She looks down on maids, and actively makes Yna's life a living hell."

  It can be seen in the story that only a higher class can defeat another high class because of equal forces.
  • "Amor Powers returns to the Philippines from the United States after making a name for herself in the business world. Amor had been all the while planning her revenge on the Buenavista family, whom she blamed for her past sufferings as well as the assumed death of her child."

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